Let’s talk about SEX.



SEX is something that distinguishes men and women.

I’m sure all men out there are waiting for the opportunity tonight, whereas most of the women out there are dreading what’s to come.

Many women in the audience will be asking, “Do I have to have sex tonight? Can’t I go get a drink or go get my hair done and get some sleep? Do I really have to have sex? I already have my kids. Why do I have to have sex?

Physiologically, sex is actually very important.

We have very intricate and important pelvic muscles in our bodies, and those muscles aren’t just used for sex.

One of the biggest complaints out there is that as women age, they start getting urinary incontinence and urinary frequency. A lot of that is because the pelvic muscles get weak. Our pelvic muscles are designated to hold up the bladder, the uterus and the entire pelvis. And if those muscles weaken, gradually everything that it holds in falls.

I’m sure many of you have problems with urinary frequency or incontinence. A lot of women will urinate a little bit when they cough or sneeze or laugh too much. It’s really because of the weakness of the pelvic muscles.

We use to talk about Kegels, it is the exercise for tightening up those pelvic muscles, that people used to do on red lights during commercials. We know that pelvic Kegels are not very strong or efficient. They don’t really help, to be honest.

Sex, especially having an orgasm, is much more beneficial. An orgasm is like thousands of Kegels, much stronger Kegels and much shorter of amount of time. You do want to have sex to protect your Kegel muscles. If you don’t use it, you lose it. And that is important in your pelvis as well.

A lot of women will say, “Do we really need men in that case, if we just need to have orgasms and do those Kegels?”. No, you don’t. You can go online right now and get yourself a vibrator and that will work just as well.

So, then the bigger question comes out to me, why don’t women want to have sex, right?

All the men out there are saying, “I’m going to have this romantic dinner, and all the stuff I’ll get things ready”, and the women are going to say, “Oh, I have a headache” or “I don’t want to”. They’ll give you a million excuses.

There are a lot of reasons why women don’t want to have sex.

The number one reason probably is because we’re too tired.

So men, go out there, clean the house, cook dinner, do everything so that we don’t have to. That will be the first key.

The second reason that a lot of women don’t have sex is actually vaginal dryness. You’re supposed to have natural lubrication and if that is not there, it will make sex painful. Nobody enjoys doing anything that is painful. There are two main reasons for vaginal dryness.

The first one is pregnancy. We get huge hormone surges and then it declines during and after pregnancy. When you don’t have appropriate hormone levels, you get a lot of dryness. A lot of women will not want to have sex after they had babies and that can last anywhere for a couple of months to a couple of years before those hormones even out. Menopause is another issue when we have vaginal dryness. And that’s just because of the decline of hormones.

Now the good news is, there are things that we can do for that. Lubrication during sexual intercourse is important. Do go out and buy lubricants that does not have alcohol in it, that’s important in decreasing the dryness. And then, there are other treatments that can be more permanent. There is a vaginal rejuvenation procedure called The Mona Lisa Touch, which I am a huge proponent of. It is a skin laser that pretty much rejuvenates the vaginal tissue and has long term effects.

Another reason why women don’t want to have sex is hormone-related. And that is because testosterone levels can be too low. Testosterone levels can be too low either because of innate genetics or because you’re on birth control. Birth control decreases free testosterone levels and that can be changed and you can go an IUD. IUD won’t have those side effects. And a lot of those details you won’t know unless you had good blood work.

If you do have a sexual problem, I really encourage you to talk to your doctor about it. You’d be surprised how many women have these issues and just stay silent because they don’t think that they need to talk about or should talk about it to their doctor. There’s a lot of things that can be done and a lot of labs that can be done to prevent that.

In conclusion to that, men you got to start cleaning the house. RIGHT. NOW.

For more information, please send us a message or book an appointment with us today.